Wolf Blitzer's birth name is Wolf Isaac Blitzer.
Wolf Blitzer was born on March 22, 1948.
Is Wolf Blitzers, Neice Lauren Blitzer
Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer was created in 1993.
Wolf Blitzer and Lauren Blitzer are not related. Wolf Blitzer is a journalist and television news anchor, best known for his work on CNN. Lauren Blitzer is a literary agent and public relations executive, known for her work in the publishing industry. Their shared last name is purely coincidental and they do not have any known familial relationship.
No, he is a Republican.
As of 2010, Reuters reported that CNN's Wolf Blitzer earns $3 million USD a year.
Wolf Blitzer Reports - 2000 2003-08-10 was released on: USA: 10 August 2003