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In the UK, it might cost as little as £3.45 for one bowl but as much as £4.50 for a higher quality one. It might in fact cost less or more than either of these prices.

You can pick up a Versace Barocco Pet Bowl for nearly $800...

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8y ago
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14y ago

It completely depends on the brand and quality of the food. Things like Whiskas and Purina may seem much cheaper, but because they are poor quality foods with little meat in them, a cat will eat much more than they would have to for a food that has 80%-90% meat in it.

High quality foods, ones that have a high percentage of meat in, seem much more expensive compared to supermarket brands, but in the long run it turns out to be much cheaper as the cat will need to eat much less.

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10y ago

Dog bowls vary. Inexpensive ones made of plastic can cost about $1, but ones made of ceramic or metal can be more than $10.

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12y ago

Well, it depends on the cat bowl. You can go to a target or a local store and they cost 10 $ and up. If you have a medium sized bowl that would work to.

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12y ago

a price.(:tee hee

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12y ago

50 a month

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Q: How much do food bowls cost for cats?
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