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It all depends on the person selling the horse...or the particular breeding.

They can run from 250 on up. You might want to check breeder sites and the classifieds online to find mini horses for a good price. When you get them as foals they will be cheaper.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Just depends, there is no such thing as a "normal" horse. Some you may find as cheap as a hundred dollars and some you may find to be thousands. Expensive horses can even be as much as millions.

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12y ago

The price of a horse is affected by more than just height, though it does play a small part in the cost. The main factors are breed, age, sex, show record, pedigree, location, and yes height. There is no specific cost.

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13y ago

Depends by your deffinition of good. it could be a good jumper, dressage horse, eventer, a hacker, or just a well behaved horse.

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12y ago

It would cost as much as 3 iPads

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