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Deer can live up to 10 to 12 years in the wild. Of course they often are taken by predators before they ever see maturity. Hunters then take deer before they ever reach an old age, but for the few that have lived a full life, they tend to to be middle aged at 5 years. A buck that once sported tall antlers will now decline in antler size as he ages. Once being a proud warrior he now sports a common rack, due to age. Deer become at 10 years very arthritic and their legs stiffen. No longer can they run like the once did. They rely more on being hidden. Hard Winters play a role in Deer having such a short life span. The struggle to find food and they can't afford to lose energy in their search fro food. Thus their lives come to an end. They are susceptible to tuberculosis and starvation due to age. Low land area deer fair much better then Deer that live mountain ranges where snow stays longer and the natural food sources are tough to find. The low lands offer less snow and more food, especially from farmers who plant corn and beans and such crops. Deer find a variety of foods in the low land areas. But the average life span of deer is 10 to 12 years, by reason of health and evironment.

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How many years do deers live?

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Deer range in size from the small mouse deer all the way up to the moose/Eurasian elk. Many may live 14 or more years in captivity but life expectancy in the wild may not be well established. Does/cows of many deer species live longer than males, not only due to hunting but because bucks/bulls competing for breeding rights age much faster. Below is information on 4 well known deer species in North America. Whitetail deer average 5-16 years in captivity. Estimated average in the wild is much less,4.5-7 years according to a study done in 2003. Mule deer average 9-11 years in the wild. 9-15 in captivity. Elk average 8-14 years in the wild and 17-22 in captivity. Moose/Eurasian Elk 10-20 years in the wild. Captive animals don't live appreciably longer.

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