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over 400 whales are hunted every year from whaling

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12y ago
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12y ago

Today, over 2,000 are caught each year, with the majority being minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata and B. bonaerensis).

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Q: How many whales are killed by whalers?
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From 1930 to 1931 how many blue whales were killed by Antarctic whalers?

From 1930 to 1931 , 29 000 Blue Whales were killed.

How did Blue whales go endangered?

killed or shot by whalers, pollution, global warming and moving ice

Why whales endanger?

Because whalers around the world have killed many of these animals off for their blubber and (rarely) their meat. Too much hunting has lead to a very small population. Unfortunately, the Japanese continue to send out whalers into international waters with the knowledge that America considers the whales that they are hunting to be endangered.

Hi im doing a report on whales and you need to know why people dislike whales or want them killed or culled?

People who kill whales for their blubber,teeth,(etc.) are called Whalers.

Do Greenpeace have any enemies?

Yes, whalers. They're enemies are whalers because they kill whales.

What is the Threat to killer whales?

Ocean Polution and Whalers

How do whalers kill whales today?

they usually trap them or throw weapons such as spears at whales.

What are the threats to whaling?

Some whales are attacked by killer whales, but the whale's main threat is whalers.

How are whales found in seas by whalers?

By their spouts, backs, and prints.

What species of whales do whalers whale?

minke, finback, humpback

Are killer whales at risk?

yes because of Japanese whalers

Why are blue whales endagered?

Because they are still getting hunted by whalers.