Giraffes possess seven vertebrae (although disputed by some zoologists who claim that it has eight)A giraffe has 50 vertebrae in total... seven in the cervical, seven in the spine and I am not sure about the rest...
There are seven vertebrae in a giraffe's neck
Humans and Giraffes have 7 vertebrae in the neck
a human being has 33 vertebrae all together including neck to spine and everything. and then for a humans neck is the same as a giraffe which is 7 vertebrae in their neck since they are both mammals the vertebrae are just different sizes.
A giraffe has the same number of neck vertebrae as most mammals, which is seven. However, each of a giraffe's cervical vertebrae can be over 10 inches long, allowing for its long neck.
There are typically five lumbar vertebrae.
A baby's spine typically has 33 individual bones called vertebrae. These vertebrae are smaller and more flexible compared to an adult's spine, allowing for growth and development.
The lumbar section of a typical human spine contains five vertebrae, known as L1 to L5.
The lumbar spine has the most vertebrae, typically consisting of five lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5).
There are 7 cervical vertebrae in the human spine.