There are many different types of deer. Some of the types of deer include white tailed deer, moose, mule deer, caribou, sika deer, sambar and fallow deer.
There are many types of deer in Central America. These include Central American white tailed deer, Central American red brocket, and mule deer.
Many types, one is grass.
There are many types of birds, boars, deer, and squirrels in a temperate forest.
Mostly Red Deer
There are about four different types of deer in Utah. The deers in Utah are the female and male mule deer and the female and male white-tailed deer.
There are seven types of deers!! 1. Axis Deer 2. Fallow Deer 3. General 4. Mule Deer 5. Red Deer 6. Reindeer 7. White Tailed Deer Well there you go that is all the deers.
Whitetail deer are the only native deer found in Ohio.
Aspen, fir, Poplar, Spruce, and many more
Some species (cannot list them all at the moment) are:White-tailed deerMule deerKey deerBlack-tailed deerFallow deerRoe deerPerre David's deerRed DeerDik-diksMusk deerOther cervids which are a part of the deer family include moose, elk, caribou and reindeer.
Reindeer, male deer, Sika deer, Eld's deer, and Mule deer are all types of deer with 8 letters in their name.