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3 toes on a camels hoof

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Q: How many toes are on a camel's hoof?
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Do camels have toes?

Yes, camels have two toes on each foot that are fused together to form a cloven hoof. This unique feature helps them move easily through sandy desert terrain as well as providing support for their large bodies.

How many toes do rhinocetos have?

If you mean Rhinoceros, they have three toes on each hoof

How many toes does the headless horseman's horse run on?

Horses have a hoof for a foot. There are no toes.

How many toes does a pig have?

A pig has four toes on each foot, each with a hoof.

Why do horses have toes?

Horses do not have toes, they have 1 hoof on each leg.

How many toes does a deer have?

A deer has four toes on each hoof. Each toe ends in a small, hard, sharp-pointed hoof that helps the deer to walk and run on various terrains.

Is the hoof of a goat parted into two or is it only one full hoof?

The goat hoof is separated into two "toes".

How many toes do rabbits have?

a sheep does not have toes.instead it has hooves and each hoof is slit from the middle so uit is bihooved

Do the pigs have even or odd number of toes?

Even, they have four toes on each hoof.

What is the name of an antelopes toe?

Well that would have to be the hoof of the antelope. the foot and toes together equal a hoof.

Do all mammals have udders?

No, modern camels do not have hooves. They have a two-toed foot with toenails and a soft footpad. Prehistoric camels may have had hooves. Wait, no prehistoric camels have probley had even less hoof-like feet. Horses have hooves and their ancesters feet had camel like feet with two nails. You see , over time those two toes turned into hooves!So , before the camels had two toes , they most likely had more toes.

How many toes does a camel have on each foot?

Camels have five 'legs'. They have the standard four that you would expect. They have another lever underneath their chest that helps them to get up from the ground, which is also referred to as a leg.