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As Flea or die shampoo is completely natural you can wash your dog with this as many times as needed without any side effects although it is general recommended you should not wash your dog too often.

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Q: How many times can you wash your dog with flea or die shampoo?
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Your dog has black itchy skin around his private area?

sounds like flea droppings bathe in flea shampoo wash really good there but gentley

What do you do when a baby has shampoo in her eyes?

Gently wash the baby's eye out with cool water, and try to get her to blink a few times. Hope this helped! If shampoo is still not out, then continuously wash her eye and make her blink :)

How do you get temporary hair spray out?

Wash it with shampoo many times depending on how much you used. Repeat until water runs clear from your hair.

How long will a liter of shampoo last?

Wash my hair 2-3 times per week. A liter of shampoo lasts me 6 months.

What is the best thing to do if you put to much flea medicine on you dog?

Wash it out but be careful not to use too much shampoo. Reapply the correct amount. And make sure it is in the right place.

How do you get wood stain out of hair?

Wash it in warm water with good shampoo, 2-3 times.

Can you use a flea collar while using frontline on your dogs?

Frontline by itself should be sufficient to deal with your cat or dog's flea problem. Using a flea bath will reduce the effectiveness of the Frontline (you should only wash your dog with a gentle shampoo to maintain Frontline's protection).

What is the best shampoo to get waves with?

Wash in Waves Shampoo

Is it good to wash your body with shampoo?

No, shampoo has substances that are made to wash your hair. Soap is a better way to go.

If your old apartment had fleas and you are moving to a new apartment how do you prevent the fleas getting to the new apartment while moving?

Wash all of your clothing and vacuum your furniture before moving. Wash your pets with flea shampoo. Once you get your apartment set up, purchase some of the flea powder that interrupts the gestation of fleas. Continue to vacuum regularly (throw out the bag or wash the container each time). Fleas should be gone!

What should we do if the water runs out and you are having shampoo on your hair?

wash your hair in the sink it happened me lodsa times lol

What is the best thing to use to get the glue out of my son's hair?

Wash 3-4 times in warm water with shampoo.