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Only once and then the squirrel is gone.

Only once and then the squirrel is gone.

Only once and then the squirrel is gone.

Only once and then the squirrel is gone.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Only once and then the squirrel is gone.

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Q: How many times can a dolphin eat a squirrel?
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How often to squirrel monkeys eat?

about 4 times a day.

Will a black bird eat a squirrel?

No blackbirds would not eat a squirrel.

What in a desert eats a squirrel?

Many desert predators would eat a squirrel, including hawks and coyotes and snakes.

Is it correct to say squirrel eat fruits?

squirrel eat almonds and nuts but rearly eat fruits

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Does a whale eat a dolphin?

An Orca (killer whale) will hunt and eat Dolphin.

When does a pink river dolphin eat?

They eat seafood, such as, crab, turtle, fish, and many more.

Does an eagle eat a squirrel?

I just saw a bald eagle eat a grey squirrel today

Why do taiji people just eat dolphins?

They don't JUST eat dolphins. In fact, most Japanese people, and most people from Taiji do not eat dolphin. They don't even know that dolphin slaughters are taking place in their town. Often times dolphin meat is disguised and sold as other fish and other meat. Dolphin meat is sometimes labelled as whale meat and sold.

How much tuna does a dolphin eat?

Dolphin doesn't eat tuna. Tuna are to big.

How many time does a dolphin eat per day?

they eat 2 or 3 meals a day