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Ferrets have thirty baby and thirty-four adult teeth. All baby teeth should be in by three months, and lost by nine months of age. Number Ferret Teeth: Incisors 3/3, canines 1/1, premolars 3/3, molars 1/2. Supernumerary incisors common.

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13y ago

Ferret Skeleton

Head bones - 9

Back and Chest bones - 7 vertical vertebrae, 15 thoracic vertebrae, 30 rib (sometimes 14T with 28 rib), Sternum 8 bones, lumbar vertebrae 5 or 6. sacral vertebrae 3, caudal vertebrae 18 (vertebrae -C7, T14, L6, S3, COL14-18, 14 pairs of ribs)

pelvis -composed of 2 OS coxae and 1 sacrum (male ferret has a bacula (OS penis) and the female an OS clitoris)

Arm bones: scapula, humerus, radius, and ulna, elbow, wrist bones (carpals), hand bones (metacarpals), finger bones (phalanges) the 3rd phalanx has a claw-like process on the end to support the nail - five digits front and back.

carpal-metacarpal sesamoids - tiny bones within the tendons where they pass over joints - 2 for every digit, thumb has 2 phalanges and the fingers have 3 . The thumb in the ferret is like a finger.

Leg bones: The femur, tibia and fibula, ankle bones, foot bones are like the hand bones.

see related links below on ferret anatomy and pictures

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12y ago
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8y ago

Ferrets have 5 toes on each foot, meaning they have a total of 20 toes.

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16y ago

Gerbils have 4 teeth... but if your not sure about your gerbil take him/her to a vet!

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12y ago

No. Ferrets ear.

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16y ago

Ferrets have five toes on each foot

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