Sun bears have a total of 40 teeth including two very sharp canines. Their canines, which are used to bite through twigs and big leaves, are recorded to be as long as 5 inches!
The sun bear. Although it is smallest species of bears, they have big claws and big teeth with very aggressive behavior that can still kill you. On record, there have been many attacks of sun bears on humans in india and southeast asia than tigers.
The sun bear has several natural defenses to protect itself. These include long canine teeth, long and sharp claws, loose skin for turning around quickly when grabbed, a very thick and dense coat, and quick movements.
Sun bears are called sun bears because of their bib-shaped orange patches on their chests.
it has five babies.
eat and play in the sun all day long
Lions live in africa, and are rare in India, where sun bears and sloth bears live. Even if they did live in the same region and continent, it would be possible since sloth bears and sun bears have been known to chase away sumatran and bengal tigers. Sun bears are the smallest species of bears, but their fierce reputation, high aggression, big claws and big teeth would make a lion or a tiger runaway. It also has been said that sun bears have been known to chase away adult male leopards from their territory. Male Sloth bears can get very big, and bigger than the male asiatic black bear. They are known to be very aggressive and territorial, and tigers would chose not to prey on them that much.
Sun bears live in the tropical rainforests of southeast Asia.
They have long tongues to make it easier to get ants and such out deep crevices. Ants is one of their favorite foods.
There is one tiny spot in southeastern China where sun bears live, right on the border of Vietnam. There is a larger area surrounding that where sun bears may live, but scientists do not know for sure. Most sun bears live in Southeast Asia.
Male Sun bear's claws can be as long as 5 inches and their paws can be as wide as 5 inches across.
Yes, they are in a few. Some of the zoos which have Sun Bears are Honolulu, Oregon and San Diego according to a Google search of Sun Bears in Zoos.