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Crabeater seals have 32 teeth - 8 inscisors, 4 canines and 20 post-canine teeth. The latter cannot be subdivided into molars and premolars due to the specialised nature of the crabeater's teeth. They are multi-cusped with gaps between each cusp and they interlock with the teeth on the opposing jaw to form a filter. This is used to filter out krill from the seawater - a more efficient method than grabbing the krill one at a time. Krill are their main prey; they do not eat crabs.

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Why are crabeater seals called crabeater if they do not eat crabs?

Crabeater seals are called crabeater seals because of the way their teeth look.

Do crabeater seals hibernate?

No because it migrates!

What seals eat squid?

some antarctic seals eat squid but the crabeater seal does not

What do crabeater seals look like?

Crabeater seals are large seals. They are a light color. Young ones have brown markings. They are chubby on the top portion of their body, and then become slender on the bottom half. They have sweet faces.

When do crabeater seals mate?

They mate from early September to late November.

Do leopard seals prey on other seals?

Yes! they prey on young Antarctic Fur seals, Crabeater Seals, Ross Seals And Weddell Seals

Wha animals live in the Antarctica?

Penguins (emperor and adelie) seals (leopard seals; antarctic fur seals; crabeater seals; ross seals and weddell seals) whales(orcas(killer whales))

Which term best describes the relationship between Adélie penguins and crabeater seals?

The answer is predation!

What is a Leopard Seals percentage of diet?

A Leopard Seals percentage of diet is: Krill (47%), Other Seals (31%), young Crabeater Seals and penguins (11%), and fish and cephalopods (11%)

What is the name of a seal that strains shellfish from the water with its teeth in antarctica?

it is the crabeater seal

How would a decrease in the number of krill affect the number of crabeater seals?

Thay would die out as they have nothing to eat

What are three types of seals found in Antarctica?

leopard seal, crabeater seal, elephant seal - live in the Antartica.