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The only mammal capable of true, natural flight, is the bat.

'Flying' Squirrels are gliders rather than being capable of true flight. It's more accurate to say they prolong the process of falling.

Lastly, the other main mammal species that flies, is we humans, in our aircraft.

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There are almost 200 different species of Chiroptera, (bats)

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Q: How many species of flying mammals are there?
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Order: Chiroptera. Bats are the only true flying mammals with over 950 species.

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The main characteristic of the flying mammals is that they are all species of bats. Bats are the only flying mammal. Some of the characteristics of bats are that they fly almost exclusively at night, they can't walk very well, and they have excellent hearing.

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Bats (several species) are the only true flying mammals, and are warm blooded.

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They are bats, sugar gliders, flying squirrels.

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Flying squirrels are mammals and mammals are vertebrae, they have backbones.

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All species of bats are the only truly flying mammals, and are very able to fly safely.