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Q: How many rabbits are there going to be in a litter for Alaskan rabbits?
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How many puppies can Alaskan Malamutes Have?

Most Alaskan Malamutes have between 4 and 10 puppies in each litter. The average is 6 puppies.

How many babies do havana rabbits have?

All rabbits have a litter of 2-10 kits. However, all rabbits usually have 5 or 6 in a single litter.

How many puppies can malamutes have?

The average number of puppies in a purebred Alaskan Malamute litter is 6, although they can have between 4 and 10 in each litter.

How many pups do malamutes have?

Alaskan Malamutes usually have between 4 and 10 puppies in each litter. The average is 6 puppies.

How many litter can a rabbit have per year?

Rabbits can breed every six weeks - so in one year it's possible for a female to have seven litters ! Litter size can be as few as 2 or 3... to as many as 14 !

What allowed rabbits to spread so quickly in Australia?

the rabbits had a high tolerance for the abiotic factors in australia

How do you train a rabbit to go to the toilet?

Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box like cats, and you can use the same kind of litter box for both animals but you can't use the same kind of litter material. Cats use clay litters, and sometimes wheat litters, but these are both dangerous for rabbits. Rabbits must use a safe litter material like Carefresh, Yesterday's News, Boxo, etc. Many rabbits litter train easily: just give them a litter box and they will use it. Putting hay in the litter box encourages them to use it. Putting the litter box in an area where they already go to the toilet will also encourage them to use it. If your rabbit doesn't take to the litter box that easily, read the information on the website linked below for more ideas. If your rabbit is dribbling urine all over the place, that's a sign of illness and the rabbit should see a vet. See the related questions/links below for more information.

How many bunnies can a Lop eared bunnie have?

Lop earred rabbits can have as few as one bunny to as many as 10. A normal size litter is 4 to 6 bunnies.

Why do rabbits need big areas?

Rabbits need a big area to live in because in the wild, they are used to roaming and foraging over large distances to find food, water, and shelter. Providing a large area for rabbits in captivity allows them to exhibit their natural behaviors, exercise, and feel less stressed. It also helps prevent obesity and promotes overall health and well-being.

How many puppies can a Alaskan malamute have for the first time?

My Malamute so far has 9 puppies and she might give birth to another one....just waiting to see how it goes....

How many babies can two rabbits have in one year?

The maximum number of rabbits that can be expected to live in any given litter is about 12. (Rabbits can have more, but having more than 12 survive is very unlikely.) Rabbits can have a maximum of 1 litter every 31 days, so the highest possible number is around 144. However, If all of the bunnies are in one area, the number could be much higher. If the first litter is born on the first of January, those babies will be breeding age by about mid May. So the true number of progeny that 2 rabbits could theoretically give rise to in a single year is well over 1,000. This is why it's important to know the gender of your pet rabbits.

How many calories are in Alaskan amber?

There are about 180 calories in a bottle of Alaskan Amber.