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the leopard in prenant for nine months after mating and has only one pup.

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14y ago
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15y ago

The Leopard Seal has one pup at a time, and maybe even two.

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13y ago

Leopard seals get one pup at a time.

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What eats antarctic fur seals?

Leopard Seals eat the Antarctic Fur Seals pups.

Do leopard seals eat fur seals?

no, although they do eat other breeds of seals pups.

How does the leopard seal adopt to life in the cold?

a leopard seal has a layer of thick fat, like a penguin. And also, leopard seals as pups (babies) have fur so they can adjust to the cold

Who are the crabeater seals enemies?

The enemy is most of the time the leopard seal. They are found to eat 80% of the crab-eater seal pups.

How many leopard seals are there?

At least 10

What type of seals eat Diatoms?

Diatoms are a type of single celled plankton. There are no seals that eat plankton. Seals eat fish, with the exception of a few types, such as the Crabeater, which eats krill, and the leopard seal, which eats penguins and seal pups.

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What is the name for a newborn seal?

We call baby seals pups.

How many seals are there in antarctica?

7: elephant seals,harp seals, cabeater seals, ross seals, leopard seals, wendell seals and hooded seals

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Seals and dogs have pups! From: Madax!

What is An interesting Leopard Seal Question?

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How many babies can gray seals have?

Grey seals usually only have 1 to 2 babies at a time. On the east coast grey seals have their pups in the autumn. On the west coast these seals have their pups in the winter. The pups only stay with their mother for the first month of their life and then venture off on their own.