Anywhere between 1-10 is possible although in some rare cases more than 10 has been recorded. 4-7 is the average though.
depending on who she mates with she can have 2-5 pups the first time.
16 pups
Wolf pups eat meat for the first time at 3 weeks, im pretty sure. I might be wrong, but i bet it is.
Grey seals usually only have 1 to 2 babies at a time. On the east coast grey seals have their pups in the autumn. On the west coast these seals have their pups in the winter. The pups only stay with their mother for the first month of their life and then venture off on their own.
they have one at a time
This depends on the size and age of the dog. First time mothers will have smaller litters, for German Shepherds, probably 7 to 9 puppies.
Well most first time mom dogs won't lay on their pups, but if your dog is then i would recommend to watch her really closely and never leave her in the same room with her pups. Or another solution may be to give away the pups to some of your friends or family. I truly hoped that helped :)
It really depends on if this is your dachshund's first time having puppies. If this is her 1st time she may have 2-3 normally (maybe more in special occasions). If she has had them before you may get more to about the same amounts of pups. So anywhere from 1 pup to maybe 5.
usually american bulldogs have 5 pups at a time
Female coyote has five to six pups in a litter