Muriel P. Lee has written:
'The Whelping and Rearing of Puppies'
'Miniature Bull Terrier'
'Border Terrier (Comprehensive Owners Guide) (Comprehensive
Owners Guide)'
'Fox Terrier (Excellence)'
'The Official Book of the Scottish Terrier'
'French Bulldogs'
'Skye Terrier'
'Irish Terrier'
'Scottish Terrier'
'Manchester Terrier'
'Australian Terrier'
'Bulldog Frances (Excellence)'
'French Bulldog' -- subject(s): French bulldog
What are some tips for caring for terrier puppies?
There are many tips one should know for caring for terrier
puppies. Some tips for caring for terrier puppies include giving
the pets time to get adjusted to new areas and giving pets time to
How many puppies can a Cairn Terrier have in one go?
Has a Scottish Terrier ever won Crufts?
Yes, a Scottish Terrier won Crufts in the year 1929.