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they love to eat mice, alive ones, and they will bite if they get mad

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Q: How many pounds does a dawrf lop bunny get?
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Related questions

How much does a holland lop bunny weigh?

They are supposed to weight about 4 pounds

What is the smallest type of a lop eared bunny rabbit?

The smallest is the mini lop.

How many bunnies can a Lop eared bunnie have?

Lop earred rabbits can have as few as one bunny to as many as 10. A normal size litter is 4 to 6 bunnies.

What breed of bunny do you have?

Lop eared rabbit

A kind of bunny that starts a?

American fuzzy lop

Is six normal for a holland lop bunny to have?

Six is a rather large litter for a HOlland Lop. Congratulations.

Why could a rabbit be much smaller than average when matured?

It can be down to many things, just as with humans even within a 'breed' bunnies can come in different sizes. i.e. French Lop range from 10 lbs to 18 lbs It could be the bunny is not the breed you thought it was, i.e. You though Standard Rex, but your bunny is a Mini Rex or you think French Lop and the bunny is a Dwarf Lop etc. It can be environmental, if the bunny hasn't had the nutrition it needed or some ill health, medications etc Your bunny could be a cross breed, so a French Lop X with a Dwarf Lop would produce a smaller bunny. It could just be genetic, the bunny is just smaller than average in the same way a person might be small or larger than average.

What is the best bunny breed for starters?

some good bunny breeds for beginners are: New Zealand Dutch Himalayan Holland lop Jersey Wooly American Fuzzy Lop Mini Rex

What is the ideal weight for a 12 week lop eared rabbit?

Lop Ear Bunnies usually weigh about 5 pounds and shouldn't be any heavier.

Where can you get hay for lop eared bunny?

At any pet store=p

What does lopped mean?

Lop Ear or Lop Eared means your bunny has ears that hang down rather than stand up.

What is the mini Holland lop rabbit habitat like?

No. The Holland Lop originated in Holland and weighs 4 pounds. The Mini Lop originated in Germany and weighs 5 pounds.