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Newborn kangaroos weigh just a gram or two. They are the size of a bean.

Once they get older, it depends entirely upon which species of kangaroo is meant. A six month old musky rat kangaroo, the smallest of all the kangaroos, will only weigh a few grams. A six month old red kangaroo, the largest of the kangaroos, will still only weigh just under a kilogram.

For a photo of a four-month old red kangaroo joey, click on the link.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The weight of a newborn kangaroo joey is about one gram in weight. It is very tiny and completely helpless, and bears little resemblance to an adult.

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9y ago

The Red Kangaroo "Joey" is miniature, the newborn is about the size of a jelly bean and weighs less than a gram.

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13y ago

A newborn kangaroo joey weighs an average of just one gram. This equals 0.001 kg.

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11y ago

Newborn kangaroos weigh about a gram. This is the equivalent of just 0.00220 pounds.

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10y ago

Less than a grain of rice

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15y ago

0.03 ounces

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mehul patel

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2y ago


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