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There are 20,000-25,000 polar bears left in the world, acording to scientists

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Q: How many polar bears are left 2012?
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How many polar bears left in Australia?

polar bears don't live in Australia. penguins do

How many polar bears were there left 50 years ago?

There was 700 polar bears left in our world 50 years ago.

How many polar bears are left in the world 2014?


How many polar bears are left in India?

Polar bears don't live in India. India is a tropical country and has climate ranging from very warm to cool but not verycold. Polar bears need very cold climates to survive.There are no polar bears in India.

How many polar bears have been saved so far?

no one knows how many have been killed. but we do know this. that 20000 polar bears are left in this whole world.

How many polar bears are living?

According to Polar Bears International, scientists estimate that as of 2008, there are 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears living.

How many Polar bears in deserts?

Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.

Are polar bears left handed?

Polar bears are not left handed. The myth is as following: Did you now that ALL polar bears are left handed. When stalking prey on the ice, a polar bear draws his right paw across his black nose, hiding his primary dark body part, the better to successfully sneak up on his next meal. (Some polar bears also squeeze their eyes almost closed, for even more complete camouflage.) Then, the bear batters his lunch to death with his stronger, dominant, left paw. But this is a myth. See the link for further information.

HOW many PolarBear a r left in the world?

More than there were. There is no "nose count" of polar bears- they are wild animals, and biologists estimate the number of bears. However, the estimates have increased over the past few yeas. It is estimated that there are about 28,500 polar bears in the world.

How many polar bears die due to attacks from other polar bears each year?

* 17 polar bears die every year acording to average

How many bears in the wold?

12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas) 12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas)

How many polar bears are left in the Yukon?

The Yukon groups show between 5,000 to 7,500. The total population of polar bears a few decades ago was under 1,000. Thankfully, these creatures are not endangered and their population is still growing.