how many cities has Chihuahua?
a chihuahua has 48 teeth<3
not much people get along with chihuahuas but if your nice and give him alot of attention he will start getting along with you.
The word "chihuahua" has four syllables. It is pronounced as chi-wa-hua.
When you combine a Chihuahua and a Chihuahua you get another Chihuahua.
As of 2010, there were 163,767 indigenous people in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico:Tarahumara: 121,835Pima: 1,540Guarijio: 2,844Tepehuan: 37,548
Is this the correct usage of ! in the following sentence? Many people wanting the job - will choose wisely!
yes taco bell made a commercial with a chihuahua nd other fast food icons. they stoped using the chihuahua though because people thought that they were abusing the chihuahua
Pancho villa
a chihuahua all depending on the size can have between 1-5 puppies
About 750,000 for the city. the population of chihuahuas are 750,000 According to,_Chihuahua "The city of Chihuahua is the state capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It has a population of about 748,551."