Too many people die from the result of a terrorist attacks
Approximately 30 people die from shark attacks each year worldwide.
A few not many
62 people.
aroud 1 million
Piranha attacks on humans are rare and usually non-fatal. There is no reliable data on how many people die specifically from piranha attacks each year.
17.3 million people i think
7 on average per annual
How many people die from heart attacks everyday? According to PBS's Mysterious Human Heart (2007), approximately 3000 people per day die of myocardial infarction aka heart attack in the USA.
The exact number of people who die yearly from alligators vary. However, there has only been 47 fatalities from alligators since 1950. This means that some years have no deaths from alligators.
Nobody dies from being gay. Gay is not a disease. People die from heart attacks, accidents, cancer and many other things.
people die