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Elephants have the longest gestation time in the animal kingdom. A female will carry a baby for 22 months before giving birth. Elephants give birth standing up, and the baby falls to the ground.

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21 months that 2 years

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Q: How many months is an elephant before it gives birth?
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Usually a few months like lets say from two to 5 months. signed, Tyler lee age 8

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How many calfs does a female elephant have a year?

Technically the answer is zero. African elephants are pregnant for about 22 months so they only have babies about once every two to four years.Elephants can only have one baby a year, because elephant gestation lasts for almost 2 years.

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a mare gives birth to the foal eleven months after conception

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A typical female elephant will give birth to around 7 elephant calves during her lifespan. The gestation period for an elephant is nearly two years, and and elephant will typically give birth every 3-6 years.

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Does a giraffe reproduce sexually?

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