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None. Whaling humpback whales is banned.

Man has severely affected humpback whale populations by killing them for years. By the 19th century, many nations (USA in particular), were hunting the animal heavily in the Atlantic Ocean, and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This widespread hunting sharply reduced whale populations.

It is estimated that during the 20th century, at least 200,000 humpbacks were taken, reducing the global population by over 90%, with North Atlantic populations estimated to have dropped to as low as 700 individuals. To prevent extinction, the International Whaling Commission banned commercial humpback whaling in 1966. By that time the population had been reduced to around 5,000. That ban is still in force

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

Humpback whales do eat living things, so - yes.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes they are .All whales are cause allot of accindents happen and people think its no accindent .They are in great danger!

:) roxie29103

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βˆ™ 13y ago

as many as Narwhals

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βˆ™ 12y ago

by gowrav

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Q: How many humpback whale are killed every year?
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The color of the Humpback Whale is very rare. It is Pink. This is true because the color of krill is pink and the whale eats so many krill that this causes them to turn pink.

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the weight of a hump back whale is 177metric tons

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1 baby or 2

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The Humpback whale is about 11 times larger than the average human (5 foot 6 inches). Humpback whales can get up to 62 feet long.

How many young does a humpback whale have a year?

Usually one a year.

How many kilograms does a baby humpback whale weigh?

baby humpback whales are 2 1/2 tons when they are born

How many species of whales are there in california?

The Humpback Whale is not in California. It is in the Pacific Ocean near California. The Humpback Whales migrate every year up and down the coast of California, down to Hawaii. There are also Humpback Whales in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Pacific Ocean surrounding the NW, W, SW, S, and SE coasts. It all depends on the time of year as to where the Humpback Whales will be as well as where they have grown up and lived their whole life.

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