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Guinea pig most likely does the exercising when running around. i would suggest you get a wheel from you local pet store for the guinea pig to run in or you can just do what i do and close your room door and let your G.P. run wild, although only attempt this if you have the energy to clean as G.P. make alot of poop.

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Q: How many hours of exercise does a guinea pig need?
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How many hours of exersice do you need a week?

You need 5 hours or exercise a day

Do guinea pigs need to walk like dogs?

Guinea pigs, like all animals, need exercise or their muscles will atrophe (go soft). This is the reason tanks for guinea pigs usually have a wheel that the little animals can run around in for exercise.

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4 hrs non stop

Do guinea pigs need exercise balls?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!Guinea Pigs have a natural upward curve of the spine. When you put them in an exercise ball you are forcing the spin in an unnatural position and its bone structure can't handle it! You should never put your Guinea Pig in an exercise ball. Give the Guinea Pigs ample room to run around, toys, and a mate and they will maintain their own fitness.

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Most Guinea Pigs becomes lazy when they are pregnant,so most Guinea Pigs will not run away from home.But,Pregnant Guinea Pigs must need more exercise.

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well in the summer i make a run that i put my guinea pigs in and they exercise for about 5 hours each day at the weekends. But when i'm working they are in their run for about 1-2 hours when i get home. I hope this helps.

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Kids should have at least one hour of exercise a day. However, this depends on how old the kid is. See 'related links' for more information.

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Then need to use a hula hoop for 24 hours a day! :)

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