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A platypus's burrow generally has either one or two entrances.

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Q: How many entrances does a platypus's burrow have?
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Normally just one at a time, with multiple entrances.

What does a platypuss do during the night?

Your moms

How many feet does a platypuss have?

A platypus has four feet, one on the end of each of its four legs.

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It is called "Damien" and is in the first season, and to be accurate he is turned into a DUCK BILLED platypuss.

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Most rabbit burrows have one main entrance and exit hole. However, some larger and more elaborate burrow systems may have multiple entrances. These secondary holes are often used for ventilation and as emergency exits.

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Are platypuss scared of people?

no they are very playful

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A rabbit typically has one burrow that serves as its nesting and shelter. However, some rabbits may have multiple entrances or tunnels within the same burrow system.

What is a hot platypuss?

A rolly polly that is a dancing king.

How many entrances did the cave have in Last of the Mohicans?

The cave had two entrances in the Last of the Mohicans.

Where and how the arctic fox sleeps?

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Who lives in a sett?

Badgers live in a sett, which is an underground burrow system that they dig to live in. Setts have separate sleeping chambers, nesting areas, and multiple entrances.