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Q: How many elephants were there 100 years ago?
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Related questions

How many elephants were in Africa 20 years ago?

I think it was about 34 hundred

What are facts about life 100 years ago?

There are many places to find facts about life 100 years ago. You could find facts about life 100 years ago in a library.

How many years is 5 score years ago?

It is 100 years.

How many years ago cricket match was start?

100 years ago cricket started

What evidense is there surronding mammoths?

The evidenCe that there was mammoths is that years ago many were found frozen and they are an ancestor of elephants

Is elephant extinct animal?

no elephants are not extinct they are becoming extinct though. About 100 years ago there were about 10 million elephants that walked the earth and now there are only about 500,000 left. They are becoming extinct because we are killing them for their thick beautiful ivory.

How many light years can you see into our galaxy?

100 years ago

How many years apart are the elephant and t Rex?

Elephants and T-Rex lived around 66 million years apart, as elephants evolved around 55 million years ago, while T-Rex lived around 66 million years ago.

What was the price of gas 100 years ago?

There was no gas for automobiles 100 years ago

How many popular sports were there 100 years ago?

Soccer/cricket/rugby/wrestling probably a few more, 100 years isn't all that long ago

How many years ago was 100 ce?


How many centuries ago was 20 million years?

A century is 100 years. 20,000,000/100 = 200,000 200,000 centuries