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most likely about 200 are kept in captivity all over the world.

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Q: How many elephants are kept in captivity?
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Where in the US are there most elephants?

There are no elephants in the U.S unless they are in captivity

How many elephants are there in the united states?

There are approximately 300 elephants in captivity in the United States, primarily in zoos and wildlife reserves.

Can zebras survive captivity?

Yes, since many are kept in zoos.

How many Bengal tigers are being kept in captivity?

Around 350

What Australian elephants are endangered?

There are no elephants native to Australia. The closest elephants are in Asia, aside from those held in captivity in zoos.

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Which is a wild animal a hamster a kitten an elephant?

All three used to be wild, but now the hamsters and cats are domestic pets, and the elephants are still wild, but some are kept in captivity.

What do elephants and parrots have in common?

They both can live 80 years in captivity.

How many people have read Water for Elephants?

No one knows. They never kept track.

Is there Elephants in a zoo?

Yes, many zoos around the world have elephants as part of their animal collection. Elephants are popular attractions due to their size, intelligence, and social behaviors. However, some organizations advocate for more ethical treatment and living conditions for elephants in captivity.

Can a mako shark live in captivity?

So far it has fared the poorest in captivity and haven't survives long in captivity. So no, they cannot be kept in captivity for long.

How many ocelots are in captivity?

There is no specific number available for how many ocelots are currently in captivity worldwide as the population can vary based on individual facilities and conservation efforts. Ocelots are often kept in zoos, wildlife reserves, and breeding programs to help protect the species and prevent their decline in the wild.