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Q: How many contenents in the world?
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What are the differences of England and Africa?

Because Africa is a poor country, with lots of poverty and a very High Crime Rate with not many jobs. While England is a Richer Country with lower Crime Rates, More Jobs and Less Poverty.

How many contenents are there in Europe?

Europe is a continent, so the answer is one.

What do the colours of the Olympic rings represents?

the 5 olympic rings stand for the 5 contenents of the world

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What are the three types of blues?

Blues Music is used by many contenents and played by yhe contourys in europeins .

What are the five contenents?

The five contenents are : Australia Africa Europe Asia America

What are the two largest contenents?

Asia and north America

What layer of the earth does the earths contenents slide on?

The mantle.

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Where do Egypt belong in contenents?

Egypt is in Africa, which is a contenent.