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400 calories

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Q: How many calories do polar bears gain each day?
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How many calories do you gain per min on the computer?

You don't gain calories from sitting. You gain calories from eating.

Does calories and treadmill cancel each other?

no, calories and a treadmill do not cancel each other. Calories are burned by excercising. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will most likely lose weight. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight. They dont cancel each other, but a treadmill can be an effective way to burn calories and in essence "cancel" the calories

How many calories to gain l lb?

To gain one pound is 3,500 calories.

Does a frappe make you gain weight?

Anything that has calories in it can and will make you gain weight - if you're eating/drinking more calories than you use up each day.A Frappe does have calories, but it's no better or worse than anything else of the same calorie count.

How do you gain calories when you lick a stamp?

well it is artaficial flavor. (some are) you barly gain calories. probally 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 calories

How many pounds can you gain if you eat pizza and 2 bag of chips and coke?

Depends. There are 2,600 calories in each pound, and your body is constantly burning calories. So if you eat enough you can gain probably 1-2 pounds.

How much weight would you gain from 6 grams of fat?

each gram of fat contains 14 calories, to gain one pound you need to consume 3500 calories, so 6 grams of fat = 84 calories 84/3500 = .024 * 100 = 2.4 so 2.4% of a pound.

How do you gain weight by using a natural diet?

You gain weight by taking in more calories than you use. Eat fats or sugar (i.e. nuts and fruits) you gain calories, if you do not use the energy produced by those calories you gain weight, it is stored as fat in your body.

Do calories cause you to gain or lose weight?

Gain, stupid.

Do polarbears have a symbiotic relationshhip?

Yes, they have a relationship called parisitism. This means only one organisim benefits. For example Polar Bears gain food from eating fish and the fish are harmed/ killed.

How many calories do you need to gain 1kg weight?

The short answer is 7700 extra calories will make you gain 1kg of fat

Do you gain weight because of drinking?

You gain weight when you consume more calories than your body burns. Alcohol has a lot of calories. If you don't increase the amount of exercise you get to balance the increase in calories you will gain weight from drinking.