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Just like us, the giraffe has 7 neck vertebrae. There vertebrae is just longer making their neck longer and appear to have more bones.

Seven, the same number humans have, but the ones a giraffe has are much larger. Giraffes posses seven neck bones (known as vertebrae) in their necks, the same as our necks, but they are elongated are separated by highly flexible joints. Giraffes have 7 neck vertebrae, the exact same number as other mammals, but they are much larger and elongated.

Giraffes possess seven vertebrae (although disputed by some zoologists who claim that it has eight)

That is not quite true - Giraffes have seven vertebrae in their neck, but also have thoracic lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae. The numbers of coccygeal vertebrae can vary, but I think giraffes have a total of about 50 vertebrae.

There are seven vertebrae in a giraffe's neck, just like humans. Just like humans and most mammals, a giraffe has seven neck bones. But those are really, really BIG bones. see the link for more info about Giraffes

A giraffe has seven bones in its neck the same as a human. A giraffes vertabrates are just longer than that of a human because a human doesnt need to have a long neck in order to reach their main food source, giraffes do because their main food source is off of Acai trees.

There are seven bones in the giraffe neck! just like the human! can you believe that!!??

A giraffe only has 7 - just like a human. They are just longer, as much as 11" long.

They have seven, which is the same number that humans have. Interestingly, the only mammals to have a different number are the manatee and 3 toed sloth, which have 6.

There are 7 bones in a giraffe's neck.

Interestingly enough, only seven, just like a human.

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6y ago

they have the same as a human, 206.

A giraffe has 208 bones in total.

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10y ago

There are two hundred seven bones in the body of a giraffe. Giraffes have only seven vertebrae in their neck, the same number as humans have.

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13y ago

They have the same number of bones as humans had

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How many bones does a giraffe have

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Q: How many bones do giraffes have in their necks?
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Do giraffes have seven bones?

I think I know what you're asking. It's true that giraffes only have seven bones - in their necks. They have more than that in their whole bodies or course.

Is a giraffe's skeleton similar to human skeleton?

Giraffes and humans have the same number of bones in our necks, (7), and both adult giraffes and adult humans have the same number of bones, (206).

Can giraffes turn their necks?

Giraffes use their necks in the same way we use ours. They are just longer.

Do giraffes have necks?

Yes, they do.

Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

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on their necks

What adaptation do giraffes have to hep them eat leaves?

giraffes have long necks and spots

What are giraffes appearance?

They are tall and have long necks

What is 1 thing about giraffes?

They have long necks

How do giraffes adapt to get food?

Longer necks.

How many bones are there in a giraffs neck?

There are 7 bones in their necks, the same as in ours.