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Bear litters are 1-3 cubs.

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Q: How many bear cubs do female bears have at one time?
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How many cubs do panda bear have?

A panda bear will have 1 to 2 cubs at one time. Panda bears are on the endangered species list.

How many baby polar bears are born at a time?

5 Babies is the most that a polar bear can have but they will usually only have up to 2

How many cubs does a Brown Bear have?

Black bears typically have three cubs in a litter. Less often, but quite frequently, black bears will have two or four offspring. Even less often, black bears will produce one or five offspring.The first time a sow bears offspring, she will often bear only one cub and will usually produce an average of three cubs every two years after that.In food poor years, black bears will often produce fewer offspring due to the process of delayed implantation, which allows bear populations to regulate their own numbers.

How many children do bears have at one time?

It depends on the bear. Polar bears and black bears can have up to two cubs. Other bears can only have one cub.

How many cubs can a bear have at 1 time?

The black bears here in Tennessee have cubs dependent upon the food supply. In the past two years the food has been abundant and the bears are having up to 4 cubs each. Typically the average bear has between 1-3 cubs.

Why does a female bear protect its cubs from the male?

Many males eat cubs when they are desperately hungry

How many cubs can a polar bear have in a year and how many can they have in one birth?

Well polar bears can have at least 2 cub at birth, but I do not no how many cubs they can have per year.

How many young do polar bears have a year?

Because a female polar bear's gestational period can be about eight months, she can have between one to four cubs a year. This is the usual litter size for these animals. At birth, cubs can weigh about one pound.

How many eggs can a bear have?

Bears don't have eggs, silly, they have cubs. They usually have around 3 or 2.

To how many bears does a polar bear give birth?

Its usually one to three cubs at the most.

How many cubs do polar bear raise?

Polar bears have from 1 to 4 young at a time. Twins are most common.

How many babies can black bears reproduce?

A black bear's litter consists of 1-4 cubs, on average 2.