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The gestation period for Tigers is 16 weeks. The litter size usually consists of around 3 to 4 cubs. Cubs weigh approximately 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) each, which are born blind and helpless. The females rear them alone, sheltering them in dens such as thickets and rocky crevices. The father of the cubs generally takes no part in rearing them.

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Q: How many baby tigers do female tigers have?
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What is a female baby called?

Baby tigers are called cubs.

How many baby do white tigers have?

White Tigers usually have 3 to 5 babiesthree or two

How many Baby Tigers can the Mother Tiger have?

they can have uo to 3,4

How many baby white tigers are born?

they are endangered so i think that not a lot of white tigers are born.

What are female white tigers called?

Female white tigers are simply referred to as "female white tigers." The term does not change based on gender.

What are male and female tigers called?

Male tigers are called "toms" or "tigers," while female tigers are called "queens" or "tigresses."

How many years can a female tiger live?

Forever tigers are awesome

How are tigers and alligators born alike?

Tigers and alligators are both born from eggs. Female tigers give birth to live cubs, while female alligators lay eggs that hatch into baby alligators. Both species exhibit maternal care for their offspring after birth or hatching.

What is a female baby tiger called?

A female baby tiger is called a cub, just like a male baby tiger. They are usually born as part of a litter of 2-3 cubs, and they stay with their mother for up to two years before they become independent.

How do baby tigers hunt?

baby tigers take hunting training from their parents

How long are white tigers pregnancy?

it is about 2 months for the baby to grow inside the female cat. it will grow inside the stomache for it to grow

What are baby tigers called?

Baby tigers are called cubs.