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Guinea pigs frequently have litters ranging in size from 1 to 6 pups. When a particularly young female is impregnated it is more likely she will have a small litter. Of course, a guinea pig that delivers only one pup should be monitored closely and taken to a vet if she shows signs of discomfort, restlessness, labored breathing, etc. Complications can occur during labor due to the relatively large size of guinea pig pups.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I would say most guinea pigs have 3-2 babies, but 4 babies and even only one happens fairly often too. Litters of one are known for having more problems then the rest, however. Usually because the baby grows to big before it is born and the sow can't deliver it. But I would say that one pup is only a little less common then any other number of babies, so no, it's not that unusual.

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12y ago

Because of their size and from experience with my own guinea-pig they usually have no more than 5 or 6. I had a pregnant guinea-pig who gave birth to four little girls, but we think that she had more but they escaped. The poor things. Who knows what happened to them.....Anyway, I have a guinea-pig again now and she is huge! She is so fat at her butt but skinny at her head.

Thanks for the question, though...

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12y ago

Its normal, The average size of the litter is 2-6 but it is not uncommen to have 1.

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Q: How many babies can a baby guinea pig have at one time?
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