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There is no such thing as an English Tiger so asking how many are left is a nonsensical question.

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Q: How many English tigers are left in the wild?
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There are around 2300 Bengal tigers left in the wild, most of these in India.

How many siberean tigers are left?

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How many tigers are left in the world 2012?

There are only 900 to 1100 tigers left in the world

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The Caspian Tigers are extinct since the 70's

How many Bengal tigers are there in the world?

Around 2000 left in the wild.

How many Bengale tigers are there left in the world?

There are around 2200 wild Bengal tigers now. 1800 are in India.

What is the population of tigers?

Around 5500 in the wild..20,000 or more in captivity. But that also depends entierly on the species. There are 96 royal white tigers, all in captivity. 10 Maltese tigers with one left in the wild and the rest in captivity

What is the maximum estimated number of Siberian tigers left in the wild?

It is estimated that the maximum number of Siberian tigers left in the wild is around 550 tigers.

How many Bangal tigers were left in 2008 to 2012?

In the wild, around 2100.

How many ligers are surviving?

by the way it's tigers and there are about 100 left in the wild.

How many tigers left in India year 2012?

Around 1800 or so in the wild.

Are the Sumatran tigers extinct?

No. There are about 400 wild Sumatran tigers left.