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welll it all depends on the habitat but at least 40 to 50

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11y ago

about 50 still live in the wild

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lots more than there is today

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10y ago

how many elephants are left in the world

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Q: How many Asia elephants are still alive?
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How many elephants would it take to cross Asia?

It would take at least 1000 elephants to pass Asia.

How many woolly mammoths are still alive but covered in ice?

There are none still alive. who knows how many are under the ice in Antarctica they have find one but it was dead they are trying to use it DNA to bread with elephants

How many elephants are still alive in Zambia?

Yes, there are elephants who roam the small villages of Nigeria to drink from the rivers.

How many leopards are they in the world?

There is about 100,000 leopards still alive in the world. The majority of these are in asia. There are perhaps 25000 in africa.

Where it lives elephants?

Wild elephants are found in parts of Africa and Asia. In Asia they are mainly in India. They are found in many African countries. In captivity they can be found all over the world, (almost) in zoos, circuses and similar.

Why is Laos called the land of a million elephants?

Laos is called the "Land of a Million Elephants" because historically the country was home to a large population of elephants. Elephants have played a significant role in Laotian culture, tradition, and religion, which is why they are a symbol of the country.

Why elephants in Asia are different from the elephants in Africa?

Asian elephants are smaller in size and are made more for bush-lands whereas the African elephants are large. Also most Asian elephants have been trained or used for some sort of domestic use with not many left in the wild.

How many kinds of elephants are there?

There are three types of elephant species alive still. 1 African forest elephant (Africa) (Loxodonta cyclotis) 2 African bush elephant (Africa) (Loxodonta africana) 3 Asian Elephant (Asia) (Elephas maximus) Extinct species are the Mammoth and the Mastodon.

Where 1 to 300 how many are still alive?

about 250 polar bears are still alive

Do they want tusks from elephants?

Unfortunately, while it is illegal, in many places people still hunt elephants for the ivory from their tusks.

How many elephants can fit in the TARDIS?

A lot of elephants! You could probably fit all the elephants in the world and still have more room-alot of room-left in the TARDIS.

What are elephants predators?

Baby elephants are predated by lions, hyeanas and wild dogs in Africa. Adult elephants don't have any significant enemies except man. In Asia, elephants' predators are tigers and there are rare reports of adults falling victim.