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There are not any real numbers available to the public. You would have to contact the Arabian Horse Association for exact numbers of registered horses.

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Q: How many Arabian horses are registed in the America?
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How many years have Arabian horses lived?

We had one that lived to 45

What color are the Arabian horses colts?

Mostly grey, but can be many colors.

How many people love Arabian Horses?

The Arabian is one of the most popular horse sin the world, so many people love them:).

When was a horse introduced to the us?

The original Spanish explorers brought horses to North America. Many of those horses were turned loose when the Spaniards returned to Spain and they intermingled with native horses (horses that came from China over the ice cap). The Mustang is the result of that interbreeding. The first importation of Spanish Arabian horses was in 1934 when James and Edna Draper (from California) imported the first purebred Arabian horses to the United States.

How many Arabian horse exist?

The exact number of Arabian horses isn't well known. This is due to some people never registering their horses. however to get a fairly accurate number you could contact the Arabian Horse Association and ask them.

How many Arabian horses left in the world?

Thousands of Arabian horses are registered each year. Exact worldwide numbers are hard to come by, I would suggest contacting the Arabian Horse Association and asking them for more information on exact numbers.

What is the Arabian horse called in Hidalgo?

There are many different Arabian horses in the Hidalgo movie, but the one that is most mention is the stallion, Al Hattal.

Where does an Arabian horse live in?

Arabian horses are not wild horses, they are domestic horses. They are kept, raised and bred all over the world, including the US, Canada, Europe and Arabia of course. Arabian horses are generally more fragile animals and many prefer to live in stalls, rather than outdoor keeping, but although stalls combined with daily turnout make for a lovely home for an Arabian horse, if a horse has a large paddock with lots of room to roam, and a safe, secure run-in shelter to go in when it needs, it will do wonderfully. Arabian horses now live all around the world, but they originated from the Arabian peninsula

Where did the Arabian Horse Migrate?

Arabian horses are not wild horses, they are domestic horses. They are kept, raised and bred all over the world, including the US, Canada, Europe and Arabia of course. Arabian horses are generally more fragile animals and many prefer to live in stalls, rather than outdoor keeping, but although stalls combined with daily turnout make for a lovely home for an Arabian horse, if a horse has a large paddock with lots of room to roam, and a safe, secure run-in shelter to go in when it needs, it will do wonderfully. Arabian horses do not migrate.

What do Arabian horses do in the winter?

Arabian horses are not wild horses, they are domestic horses. They are kept, raised and bred all over the world, including the US, Canada, Europe and Arabia of course. Arabian horses are generally more fragile animals and many prefer to live in stalls, rather than outdoor keeping, but although stalls combined with daily turnout make for a lovely home for an Arabian horse, if a horse has a large paddock with lots of room to roam, and a safe, secure run-in shelter to go in when it needs, it will do wonderfully.

What is the populatoin of horses?

there are sooooooooooo many horses just one breed like Arabian or quarter horse have thousands and sadly there are so many unwanted horses so please if you have a stallion who is not worthy of breeding please geld him there are to many unwanted horses

What are the diseases affecting Arabian horses?

The same diseases that affect all horses are capable of affecting Arabian horses. Many Arabian horses are sensitive to a high green content in hay, and are therefore susceptible to colic. Arabian horses can contract any of the regular horse diseases if they are not properly inoculated against disease. Just like with any horse, make sure you keep a close eye on it and at first sign of illness, call the vet before it gets worse. For a description of some genetic diseases that affect the Arabian horse, please see the Related Links section below.