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Yes German Shepherds do bark a lot.

It is totally natural for them as they have a high protective instinct for their family.

They wish to protect them and so barking at any noises from people walking past to unusual bird calls can set them off, it's basically their way of saying: "This is my house, I am protecting my family so keep away!"

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14y ago
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14y ago

They bark, whine, yap, growl, whimper, grunt, snore... The list is endless...

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12y ago

Yes, German Shephards are known for excessive barking... :)

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12y ago

Domestic dogs bark, growl, whine, whimper, howl, snarl...

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11y ago

It is loud.

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If your German shepherd bark at everything what should you do?

Put up with it. His house, his territory. He's going to protect it.

Can a German Shepherd bark and run at the same time?

of course it can why else do u think it is a police dog

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To be honest, that is strange. Are you sure he just doesn't want to bark?

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They should on their own terms as they grow up, neevr tryn to encourage a dog to bark at strangers, it can turn out bad if you don't know what your doing.

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No. It is a swiss shepherd

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Your German Shepherd could be a police dog, a drugs and explosives detector, a guard, a rescue dog, a sheep dog, etc... That dog is the third more intelligent dog in the world.

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What does shepherd mean in German?

english-shepherd german-Schäfer

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Do German shepherd dogs bark very loudly?

Answer Yes but no need to worry they do that for a reason to show u something i have 4 German Shepperd's the are amazing dog u will fall in love fast