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Q: How long should you keep a cheetah air tank?
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Can you keep 2 male albino African clawed frogs in a 20 gallon tank?

As long as you have your tank heavily planted, the frogs should be fine.

Is it better to keep your gas tank at half or a full tank?

For long term storage, keep it full.

Where should you keep your fish?


Were should you keep your bearded dragons tank?

keep your beardies tank were all the activity is, were you and your family walk alot.

Can you keep a male betta with a female betta for a long period of time with other fish?

No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.

When should you keep a lamp for a fish tank on?

between 8 to 12 hours a day. No more. Time of day is not important as long as the tank gets a full 12 hours or complete darkness.

Where should u keep your goldfish?

an aquarium or a fish tank

What should you keep your snail in?

the best place would be a tank or vivarium

How long do you keep an apple snail on top of water before adding to your tank?

10-15 minutes should be fine. You're just waiting for the temperature inside the bag to become the same as the temperature inside the tank.

How hot should snakes be?

it depends on the snake but if you keep your tank around 80 you should be fine

How big does a tank have to be for a catfish?

It depend on what species you plan to keep and how long you plan to keep it.

Should you keep your tank filter on all day?

Yes. Water in a tank should be filtered constantly, day and night, to achieve optimal water quality.