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Until it is 6-8 weeks old, since that's when it would normally leave it's mother. Most kittens stop drinking milk a little before then.

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12y ago

Your kitten should really stop drinking milk shortly after he/she has been weened from his/her mother.

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Q: How long should kittens be on milk replacement?
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What kind of milk should you feed a kitten even though there done nursing?

From what I am told you should not give kittens milk! You can buy a canned KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) in the cat section of most pet/food stores. HTH

How long the cats milk stays after all kittens dead?

The queen's milk should dry up within a week or so after the last kitten stopped nursing.

What do kittens drink when away from their mom?

If very young, they should drink specially formulated kitten milk for pre-weaned kittens. A vet will be able to supply some. Weaned kittens should only drink water, with kitten or cat milk as a treat. Never feed kittens or cats cow's milk as this often causes diarrhoea.

You have found 3 newborn kittens what do you feed them?

Before they have been weaned kittens drink their mother's milk, you should contact a vet for advice.

Can kittens have 1 percent milk?

Except in the case of immediate emergency with no other option, it does more harm than good to give cows' milk to kittens. Kittens should get their mother's milk until weaning; if the queen isn't producing sufficient milk or is otherwise unable to care for the kittens, you should feed the kittens a formula designed for cats (e.g. KMR). After weaning, cats have no need of milk and it shouldn't be given to them. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so even 1% milk can cause serious problems. That being said, an accidental lick or two by a curious kitten shouldn't do any permanent harm.

What if none of the newborn kittens are nursing?

Newborn kittens need their mother's milk right from birth. If you are absolutely positive they aren't eating, the best immediate solution is to buy replacement formula at Walmart and use an eye dropper or a turkey baster to deliver the milk. NEVER EVER USE DAIRY MILK. Kittens CANNOT digest it and will develop serious health issues. If worse comes to worse, take them to a vet.

Should you feed baby rabbits kitten milk?

Yes, kitten milk replacer can be used as a temporary substitute for mother's milk in baby rabbits, but it is not ideal. Rabbit-specific milk replacers are recommended because they are formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of rabbits. It is best to consult a veterinarian for advice on the proper care and feeding of baby rabbits.

What happens if you feed kittens too much evaporated milk?

it may make them sick. Cats and kittens are not suppose to drink milk it is exstreamly bad for them the only time they should drink milk is when they are kittens and they only should get it from the momma cat. if you have the kitten when it still needs its mooms milk and you don't have the mom that's the only time you should give the cat milk. even though people say milk is ok for cats it is not it is very bad for them! cats are actually lac tos and toleratt

Can you feed a nursing puppy milk replacement that you use for kittens?

No! Never use dog milk for cats. Cat's have to have a larger amount of protein to keep their body's going. That's one of the reasons they sleep so much. A kitten should have the mothers milk for the first 3 days so they can build up there immune systems.

Should a really thin cat be taken from her nursing kittens?

No, the kittens need all the milk they can get. Just feed her better food and help her not be so thin. You can help by nursing the kittens yourself as well at intervals if they are still hungry, but the kittens should NOT be separated from their mother, especially when you can help them.

What do you feed your pet kittens?

Up to at least 3 weeks, they should only get mother's milk or formula. After that they can start getting soft food labeled for kittens.