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At approx 6 months of age you take your kitten to the vet. Spaying is done to females so they will put the kitten to sleep so she can't feel anything and make an incision about 2-3 inches in length on the stomach, from there the vet goes in and removes the ovaries so the cat can not reproduce. The vet will then stitch up the incision and it's done

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Q: How long is the procedure to spay a cat?
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How to spay a cat?

To spay a cat, you should take her to a veterinarian who will perform a surgical procedure to remove her ovaries and uterus. This procedure helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and can also have health benefits for the cat. It is important to follow the veterinarian's instructions for post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery for the cat.

How long does a dog spay procedure typically take?

A dog spay procedure typically takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

Do you spay a dog or a cat?

You spay a female dog and cat, you neuter a male dog and cat.

What do veterinarians remove when they spay a cat?

When veterinarians spay a cat, they remove the ovaries and uterus.

When should a mother cat be spayed and will she leave the kittens?

It is recommended to spay a mother cat when the kittens are weaned, but be sure to check when your vet is most comfortable to spay her. The spay will not cause her to behave any differently to her kittens, but is advised to wait until the kittens are on solid food as the procedure can disrupt, or even stop, milk flow.

Is it possible to spay a cat after she gives birth?

Yes, it is possible to spay a cat after she gives birth, but it is generally recommended to spay a cat before she becomes pregnant to prevent unwanted litters and potential health risks.

Is it safe to alter a kitten in their first heat?

This soley depends on the vet. Some vets will spay a cat while in heat, while others will not, due to the increased chance of the cat bleeding out during the procedure. It is best to spay the kitten before its first heat to decrease the chance of unwanted spraying.

My Cat had kittens after it was fixed what happened?

Are you sure she was spayed? A fixed cat cannot have kittens as the procedure removes all the reproductive organs; the uterus and the ovaries. There is a chance that the vet did not do the procedure correctly or at all, but there really is no way to tell; the only person who can really answer this question is your vet, or the vet that spayed your cat. Vets will not spay a cat that is already well in her pregnancy, as the risk is far too great for the Queen. A vet will only spay a cat very early on as the risk of the Queen bleeding out or some other complication is minimal.

Can you spay a cat that is nursing her kittens?

No, it is not recommended to spay a cat while she is nursing her kittens. It is best to wait until the kittens are weaned before spaying the mother cat.

What would a prominent veterinarian say about spaying a cat in heat?

Depends on the vet. A lot of vets will refuse to spay a cat in heat due to the increased risk of excessive bleeding, but many vets will perform the procedure regardless of whether a cat was in heat or not.

What time after pregnancy can you spay a female cat?

wait until after their kittens are weaned for a while then spay.

How long after birth can a cat become pregnant?

A cat can become pregnant as soon as a week after giving birth. It is important to spay or neuter cats to prevent unwanted pregnancies.