Bottlenose dolphins start the gestation period with the copulation of a pair of dolphins. After the 12 months of the gestation period, a single calf is born, usually with the help of another dolphin which assumes the role of a midwife. Dolphin mothers give birth to the calf by releasing the tail of the baby first. This is done this way, to avoid that the new dolphin gets drown. The calf is nursed for up to 18 months with milk produced by the mother.After that, young dolphins stay with their mothers for around 6 years until they have developed all the skills for hunting and surviving.
A bottlenose dolphin remains pregnant for about 12 months.
600 feet long...
Well, my favorite dolphins are the "Bottlenose Dolphin", "Common Dolphin" and "Dusky Dolphin".
The bottlenose dolphin is a marine mammal. They have a long snout that gets wider as it gets closer to the head.
Bottle nosed dolphins are 4 meters long.
The puma's gestation period is 91 days long.
The puma's gestation period is 91 days long.
40 years old!
im sure they would if kept together long enough.
The gestation period of the Springbok is 24 weeks.
Horses have a gestation period of 340 days.
The gestation period of a raccoon is 63 days.