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The average dog pregnancy lasts 63 days. It can be a few days longer or shorter.

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Q: How long is the female suppose to be pregnant before the puppy's are born?
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Is it ok for a dog that is pregnant to take control of another dogs puppies that just gave birth and would the dog that's pregnant give milk to the puppies?

Somtimes yes somtimes no but if the mother of the puppies is dead then yes if the mother of the puppies rejects her puppys then yes if the mother allows her to be around yes. but if the mother of the puppys snarls and growles no take the other pregnet dog away for the mother and her puppys. Female dogs are very moody when they have puppys and very protective, Just like wolves and there puppys!

1 year old female and a 7 month old male and they have been mateing a lot and the female has already had her first cycle will she get pregnant and if so would the puppys make it?

If the female is in her cycle now she will definitely get pregnant and the puppies might not make it. Your dog WILL NOT make it. I am sorry it has happened to my dog. The puppies did not make and either did the mother.

How do you take care of pregnant dog?

1.Never let her play rough when she is pregnant EY 2.When it is time for her to have puppys put a blanket under her and get a nose unclogger 3.wash your hands before touching the new puppies 4.let her eat that one stuff that's coated over the puppy (it wont hurt them or her) 5.Dont force the puppys away from her because they need mommas love 6.when puppys are born they are naturally in that one bag thing 7.Nevr force the puppys eyes open 8.when they are still in mommas tummy don't let er go out on the loose 9.when puppys are born use the nose unclogger on the puppys nose and mouth to help it breath HELPFUL TIP:WHEN PUPPYS ARE BORN TRY PUTTING YARN AROUND THEIR NECK TO IDENTIFY THEM UNTIL THEY ARE NAMED :)

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Where do the Guide Dogs Victoria association find the dogs?

they have grown female and male dog which give litters and they use the puppys

Why do female dogs smuther puppys?

Female dogs may inadvertently smother puppies due to their large size and lack of awareness of how delicate the puppies are. They may accidentally lie on top of a puppy while trying to nurse or keep them warm, leading to suffocation. It's important for breeders or owners to provide a safe and supervised environment for the mother and her puppies to prevent accidents like this from happening.

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