Dolphins are sexually mature at 7 years old.
as long as they want until they need to spout the water
until it grows a penis or a vagina
The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin is called that because it lives in the Atlantic and the subadult, mature and physically mature adults have spots.
8-12 weeks of age
You can find information about baby dolphins, also known as calves, on the Oracle ThinkQuest website. It tells you how long it takes a baby dolphin to mature and their typical weight and length when they are born.
Until it is weaned.
Until they are 6 years old to learn the necessary skills for survival.
a bottle nose dolphins height is 15 inches long
dolphins have very large teeth. almost as long as dawsons pubes dolphins have very large teeth. almost as long as dawsons pubes
Um snapping turtles are mature when their 11 or 12 years old
Cougars usually stay with their mother until they are at least 2 years old.