The Samoyed originated from Russia (Siberia).
A Samoyed is a breed of domestic dog from Siberia
if you want to use them for work, Samoyed's pull sleds! if you want a loving dog ( that licks alot ) pick a Samoyed!
It is a Samoyed. They are an arctic breed. The dog was a puppy.
No the Samoyed will never be the Pet of the Month because its a retired Webkinz.
Male Samoyed can grow up to 21-24".
The scientific name for the Samoyed dog is Canis lupus familiaris.
Well, if you are looking for a purebred samoyed then the answer is no there are no black samoyeds. I'm sure that you could get a black samoyed from breeding one with another dog breed such as a chow that was black. Hope i helped! a very very long time ago sammys were black but as the white and more creamy ones were more attrasctive they were bred out completely
A healthy Samoyed would live between 12-16 years.
Yes, the Samoyed sheds heavily, making them unsuitable as pets for people allergic to dogs.
There is no such thing as a samoyed husky, there are huskys and there are samoyeds.