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Q: How long does the monthly heartguard pill actually last?
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How long does a dose of Heartguard Plus last in a dogs system'?

30 days. You must give the proper dose of Heartguard Plus every 30 days to protect your dog from Heartworms.

Is heart gard necessary for dogs?

Heartguard itself isn't necessary for dogs,but some form of heartworm prevention should be given monthly whether it is heartguard or a different brand. Heartworm disease is caused by mosquitos and since they're everywhere,ones pets should be on heartworm prevention. It is less expensive in the long run to prevent then it is to cure.

How long does a monthly period last?

about 3-5 days

How long before you give a puppy heartguard?

You can start giving Heartgard after your puppy reaches 6 weeks of age.

How long does coolant last?

usally 5 years but should be checked monthly

How long does a 15 year olds monthly period?

It could last from afew days to 2 weeks x

How long did the black Friday bushfires last?

actually never

If you don't wear them every day how long will monthly contact lenses last?

God Knows pal, ask your mum!

How long does the fantage membership last?

if you get the monthly you an choose when and if you get a year a year look it up on fantage my user is sassy6056 hope his helped

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Depends how you use the internet, if you use it for the basics it will last longer. You might want to just go with a monthly service.

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Its actually a glossary 900 pages long

How long did the great last?

The great plague actually only lasted 1year.