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Q: How long does mating dogs stay hung?
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How long do female and male cheetahs stay together?

just for mating

How long does a male dog stay in heat?

After mating, locking only lasts about an hour.

Does the father Northern quoll stay after mating?

No. The Northern quolls do not stay together after mating. The male actually dies after mating.

How long does a tiger stay with its cubs?

Male tigers don't stay with the mother at all. Right after mating the father leaves.

Can dogs stay hungry?

it depends how long you leave them for

How long after mating does a chicken stay pregnant?

The gestation period (time of pregnancy) for a chicken is 22 days.

How long can dogs stay under water?

Dogs can typically hold their breath and stay submerged underwater for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. However, this may vary depending on the individual dog's breed, fitness level, and comfort in water. It is important to always supervise dogs around water to ensure their safety.

How long do dogs paw stitches stay in?

Most stitches in dogs are typically removed after 10-14 days, but this can vary depending on the location and extent of the wound. It's best to follow your veterinarian's specific instructions for your dog's situation.

How long do babies stay in the womb?

Baby rabbits are born 32 days after the mating between the doe and the buck

Can Dogs have multiple mates?

Yes because of the fact that dogs cannot stay with one dog for to long

How long till male dogs stay away from female dogs after first experience?

one day

Will tigers stay together after mating?

I think, no. Cats are never stays together after mating.