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It truly depends on the person and how they are carrying their unborn child, but I started to show around 4 1/2 5 months and everyone could actually tell that I was pregnant by the time I was 6 - 61/2 months prgnant...It will come and it is a wonderful experience, enjoy it while it lasts, you'll miss it when it's gone!!!

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Q: How long does it take for your stomach to get bigger when you are pregnant?
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How long does it usually take for a male guinea pig to get the female pregnant and how do you know when she is pregnant?

how do you know when ones pregnant?well, it useually takees the male to get the female pregnant about 2 weeks. You know when shes pregnant by getting bigger in the stomach and wiggleing in the stomach, and shes eating more

Anything I eat or drink water makes me feel pregnant and my stomach gets bigger and look pregnant?

Answer: Its proberly just constipation, take a break from the eating until you empty yourself on the toilet.You can not be pregnant if you have had your period, that it what the period means. That you have a swollen stomach have nothing to do with being pregnant since it takes months for a pregnant woman to look pregnant.

Could you still be pregnant if you had a three-day period but your stomach is bigger you have gained weight and you are constantly nauseous and have headaches?

It takes quite a while for the stomach to grow when you are pregnant. You could have the flu. If you think you could be pregnant, the only way to confirm it one way or the other is to take a HPT.

How do I tell if my dog is pregnant her stomach got a little bigger and she sleeps a lot I don't want to go to the vet she is a toy poodle who mated with a pomeranian around the beginnging of July?

Take it to your veterinarian.

Does German shepherd stomach gets a lot bigger when pregnant. My shepherd suppose to give a birth within next 10 days but I can not see any differents in her stomach size?

You should be able to see it or even feel a round head if you lightly push on her stomach.If you are sure shes pregnant and shes not any bigger then I would take her to the vet for an ultra-sound.The puppies are due in 60 to 63 days.

How long does it take for your aerolas to become bigger when pregnant?

Mine became larger, darker, and had little bumps on them before I even knew I was pregnant...(Roughly when I was 4 and a half to 5 weeks pregnant. That is 2 and a half to 3 weeks after conception)

What is the chance of pregnancy is you have swollen breasts and a bigger tummy?

Well, it could be just period symptoms, i.e., breasts are growing and your bloated, but if you've actually noticed your stomach is considerably bigger I'd say youre pregnant for sure. Take the First Response test and find out.

How long does it take rabbits to get pregnant?

the gestation period is 28-32 days but my rabbits have always nested on 30 and kindled on 31, sometimes they are not pregnant but on day 27 you van feel kits moving in her stomach if it is good sized litter.

Could you be playing mental tricks on yourself for your stomach to get bigger and have all the pregnancy signs?

Yes, it happens all the time that women can have symptoms that they believe are due to pregnancy, when there is another cause. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

How long does Lego take to decompose in the stomach?

Does not decompose

How long does it take to get pregnant after marriage?

You could get pregnant even on your wedding night if you don't take precautions.

Can a pregnant woman take a bath?

You can take a bath if you are pregnant as long as the water does not exceed 98 degrees.