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depend on how thirsty it is

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Q: How long does a wolf puppy drink mothers milk?
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How long do harp seals drink their mothers milk?

yes harper seals drink there mothers milk

What do pupies eat when they are first born?

They will eat there mothers milk from her breast.

Can teacup yorkie puppy drink milk?

Well after they have stopped drinking there mothers milk then don't give them any more milk and start giving them water cos then other wise your puppy will have diahria

Does a puppy drink milk?

Yes, they drink milk.

How long do red pandas drink their mothers milk?

2 years

Can a chihuahua puppy one month old drink cow milk with a egg yolk?

No they can not because they have to have their mothers milk or a special type of milk and they are not allowed egg yolk at ALL

How long does a dolphin feed on it's mothers milk?

Dolphins drink milk for up to three years.

Do sheep drink warm milk?

The milk that lambs drink from their mothers is warm.

Will a field mouse drink milk?

While field mice are known to consume a variety of foods, including seeds, fruits, and insects, it is not recommended to offer them milk as it can upset their digestive system. Field mice typically obtain water from their food sources and natural sources such as streams or puddles.

What should you feed your three month old puppy?

Let it drink its mothers milk until it is around 4 months old and then change to puppy food. Wet would be better for them because they are young.

Can you feed your 10 week old puppy regular baby formula?

For the first couple of weeks your puppy should drink it mothers milk then liquid or mashed puppy food. So yes you can feed a 10 week old puppy regular baby formula.

Does an elk drink its mothers milk?
